⚙️Things Done Well ⚙️ - Volume 30 - On Systems Thinking & How To Get a Free Hour With Me!

Hello Reader!

✨I've got a something special in here for you!✨

BUT FIRST, here are some things I think you should check out before we dive into the nerdly-nerd-time!

  1. Kinfolk by Mereba. Put this song on NOW! As always, this song, along with all the others I share (and some that I don't!) are in the Things Done Well playlist.
  2. If you are in BC please please please get out and vote on Oct 19. The BC Conservatives (which is just the BC Liberals re-branded) are moving up in the polls by making vulnerable kids a wedge issue, and spreading disinformation like the fertilizer it is. So let's get out and shut them down at the ballot box!
  3. Spoiler: Use the promo code SYS15 to grab my Systems Thinking 101 course for only $15 AND get a FREE 1-hour drop-in session!

Now! Let’s get into the power of systems thinking, and how it is an essential pillar of digital maturity for your business or organization.

Digital maturity isn’t just about technology—it’s about creating an organization that’s adaptable, innovative, and future-proof. This means that have a defined digital strategy in place that ensures your digital ecosystem is appropriate, integrated, accessible, and ACTIVE!

Appropriate - you have the right tools, policy, and processes in place to support the needs of all of your teams.

Integrated - your data is available (and useable) when and where needed, with little to no manual effort and/or duplication in it's collection. If folks are spending time just gathering your data, they don't have that time to use it.

Accessible - your people can access the tools and data they need from wherever they are, AND they have been trained enough to feel empowered to use them independently! If your folks don't use your tools, you might as well not have them.

Active - your people are actively using the tools and reporting that is accessible to them! Adoption is the only name of the game here. If folks aren't using your digital tools, you are not collecting their data, so you are missing part of the picture.

This is where systems thinking comes into play. By taking a holistic view of your organization you can see how all the moving parts—people, skills, processes, and data—are interconnected.

When you apply systems thinking to digital transformation, it becomes about more than just upgrading software. It allows you to create a roadmap that considers the entire ecosystem of your business, projects, timelines, people and skills; while showing the path to optimized workflows, and ensuring long-term sustainability.

Ready to get started?

Click here and use promo code SYS15 to get Systems Thinking 101 for just $1​5!!

Still confused about what exactly is systems thinking, and how can it do all that?

Here are the most important things to remember when trying to apply systems thinking:

  1. Start at 30 000 feet up - You want to capture the biggest picture you can initially. You can dive into more detail as needed, but your first go around should be zoomed waaaaay out.
  2. Have a focus - While you want a zoomed out view, you want to be clear about WHAT you are defining or what problem you are solving. (eg. customer experience, operations efficiency, marketing processes, etc.) Otherwise the outcome will be muddy and overwhelming.
  3. Drawing is better than writing - Use as few words as possible! Think Ikea assembly instructions. You should try to visually represent how the system works rather than describing the action through words.
  4. Get as many perspectives as you can - include everyone affected by or included in the system you are defining or problem you are trying to solve! More perspectives open the door for more elegance in your system design.
  5. Practice with a simple system (like how to make toast) BEFORE diving into the issue at hand! This way of looking at things can be challenging to most people, so getting some practice in together on a low-stakes system will set you up for success!

If you want to learn how we use systems thinking to create a data-centred business systems map for all of our clients, Click here!!

Be sure to use promocode SYS15 to grab this power-packed mini-course for only $15 while you can!

PLUS, if you submit your work from the course you will get a FREE 1-hour drop-in session with lil ol' me! Whether you're focusing on efficiency, improving team collaboration, or driving innovation, we’ll make it happen together!

💡Here's what you get in the course:

  • A roadmap to better organization and streamlined operations
  • Tips on how to simplify your reporting processes and improve data management
  • Real-life stories (including cats parachuting in Borneo!) that illustrate how systems thinking actually works

Normally priced at $27, but just for YOU—enter promo code SYS15 at checkout to grab the course for only $15! 💸✨

What people are saying about it:

Stephen O'Shea - Executive Director, Arts Council of New Westminster

Rachel's Systems Thinking course has been such a great jumping-off point for my practice of systems change management. I keep coming back to the recording and discovering more ways that I can improve my organization's operations.
Rachel really helped me think about how I can minimize the amounts of times humans have to be the touch points between our digital systems and it has rapidly optimized our daily work flow. I can't wait to learn more with Rachel in the future!

What you get in the 1hr Drop-in:

Once you work through the System Thinking 101 lessons and you’re eager to dive deeper—I'm offering a 🎉 FREE one-hour drop-in session with me. 🎉 All you need to do is submit your work from Systems Thinking 101, and I’ll review it with you live, offering tips on how you can level up your systems game even further.

Think of it as your personal systems audit—customized to YOU. Whether you need help optimizing your operations or finding efficiencies you didn’t even know existed, this is your chance to get my eyes on your work.

Let’s do this!

Click the thing and do the stuff!

Until next time, take care and keep embracing that inner geek!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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Things Done Well

Digital strategy for social impact movers and shakers. Realistic advice to support the journey to digital maturity. Gifs, humour, and my current music, art, and activism recommendation included!

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