
Things Done Well

⚙Things Done Well⚙ Volume 27 - Cozy Digital Transformation?

Published 17 days ago • 5 min read

Hello Reader, ✨It's nerd party time!!✨

But, first things first:

  1. Find a Palestinian solidarity encampment in your area and give them the money or supplies they need to help them stay the course!! I feel so hopeful that the tide is turning.
  2. Support the Freedom Flotilla however you can. This civilian led flotilla has 3 boats, hundreds of civilian volunteers from all over the world, and over 5000 tonnes of aid for the people of Gaza. They have been blocked at every turn and are currently stuck in Turkey. Please do what you can.
  3. And as a deeply unserious, but no less weighty final tidbit - for my hip hop heads out there - This playlist - Hip-Hop Talk/Theology 🎙️by donnellwrites is so gooooooooooooooooood! If you're not on TikTok it would be worth getting an account just for this! (unless you can find him elsewhere of course!) It's smart, funny, historically accurate, and SO ON POINT! It's everything for me right now.

Now on to the nerd-tacktular extravaganza! Let's talk about cozy digital transformation!!

What the what is cozy digital transformation, right?

Well, to start digital transformation is simply the act of adopting digital technology to support the work you do.

But the cozy part will require a bit more back story.

Let me set the stage for you by first telling you about my newest obsession! Cozy sci-fi and cozy fantasy. Cozy sci-fi and cozy fantasy are new(ish) literary subgenres where the stories are set in a world of science fiction or with fantasy themes, but the stakes are really, really low. Like an Orc who wants to give up the life of plunder to open a cafe in the big city, kind of low-stakes.

There is no epic and gruesome war or glossed over sexual assault or any of the other heavy narratives and themes that can all to often make a story just too much for the tender-hearted among us. These days I need my stories to be filled with unknown worlds that take me all the way away, and to ALSO feel like a cozy place to land. It's been rough out there lately.

Enter ... cozy digital transformation!

Adopting new technology is hard. The process doesn't need to make it worse!

I am all about efficiency and effectiveness but by putting care for the humans involved first, the change is easier to manage.

When all the voices are heard, that expectations are reasonable, and that the tech we choose enhances the experience for the people doing the work, the people doing to work are more likely to adopt the changes you want to make! Funnily enough.

It need not be overwhelming and harsh to start a digital transformation journey. You can start small and go at the pace that best suits your needs and the needs of your team.

Better still you can be met where you are and guided from there!

In fact, my BRILLIANT team and I at Alignment Ops are ready to be your digital transformation navigators! (sneak peek of my soon to be launched new website below!)

Are you interested in starting (or continuing) your digital transformation journey with the help of a team that is ready to make the process cozy like a warm blanket and a good book?!!

If so, simply reply to this email or click here to book a time to chat about what you need.

Keep reading if you want to know more about my team and how we are ready to help!

The Team:

Digital and Operations Strategy - Yours Truly!

I've been doing this ops and tech thing for nearly 20 years! (which is exciting but also makes me feel old! ha.)

Design Lead and Data Analyst - Max Souders

Max has been an absolute dream to have as an Associate Consultant here at Alignment Ops. Truly gifted process designer and data analyst, and I feel super lucky to have them! (By the way, having a data analyst on tap...LIFE CHANGING!)

Implementation Lead & Operations Support - Delanie Dyck

Ms Delanie Dyck was one of my very first clients here at Alignment Ops through her work with Yoga Outreach, and now nearly 10 years later I have the privilege to have her as part of my core team. Eminently capable, deeply familiar with the non-profit and social impact space, and a no-nonsense doer of all the things!

The Offers:

Digital Strategy Development and Direct Implementation

This is a full service offer where we take on all aspects of designing, planning and implementation of a digital transformation plan that fits your culture and your vision.

We will move your agency through the 5 steps of the Stop Using Spreadsheets method, and will do all of the heavy lifting to design your strategy, source any supporting tech, create related documentation, migrate your systems, train your staff, and create a process for ongoing refinement.

These are generally bigger projects with bigger budgets, and are for those of you who know you need to start moving on a digital strategy soon, and you have allocated a budget of $5K or more to get it done.

Fractional Digital Strategy and Operations Support

Do you know you need to improve your technology and overall operations but are buried in busy work and don't have the bandwidth to do it. Nor do you have the budget (or even enough work) to hire someone part-time to take it off your plate? Then this is the package for you!

Let us create and implement a digital transformation plan while taking over the miscellaneous operations and admin tasks that are piling up! For a fraction of the cost of a parttime staff person, you get access to the skills and experience of seasoned operations professionals!

This is a super flexible offer and can usually work within whatever budget constraints you have.

Digital Project Support

Do you have a team that is eager to put in the work to start rolling out a digital transformation plan, but needs some coaching and hands-on support to get there? Our digital project support packages are for you!

Let my team get your team going with a solid plan, while also gaining access to our library of software boiler plates and training resources AS WEL AS access to direct troubleshooting and design support from me and the rest of the AOps team whenever needed!

Again a super affordable offer that can be customized to fit your needs.

Digital Strategy Training

Stop Using Spreadsheet - Start Building Business Systems - A digital strategy training program for ops and admin professionals.

Do you have someone on your team who is a keen systems thinker or technology whiz who could become your in-house digital strategy lead?!! Maybe someone who everyone already goes to when their computer/software isn't working?

Based on the same process I have been using for nearly a decade, this program teaches a repeatable process that will become the best tool in their toolbox! It will help them to clear out the noise of disorganization while learning how to build clear and effective business systems for your agency.

This program is a love letter to other ops and admin professionals who have been tasked with creating business systems but have found little to no training or support for how to do that! It is packed with lessons, tools, workbooks and resources and is based on lifetime pricing. Pay once and get access to everything there AND any new lessons, tools, and workbooks that are added!

Additionally, all participants have exclusive lifetime access to the group coaching drop-in packages for as long as I have the program on offer. (This means access to my direct feedback and support at less than half of my hourly rate!!)

I truly have created this program to be of service, so send me your keen and eager process nerds! Please!

If digital transformation is on your mind, I hope you can navigate the journey in a way that is cozy and fits you well, and if I can help at all please don't hesitate to reach out!

Until next time, take good care.


Things Done Well

I'm a fan of excellence.

Digital strategy for social impact movers and shakers. Realistic advice to support the journey to digital maturity. Gifs, humour, and my current music, art, and activism recommendation included!

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