
Things Done Well

⚙Things Done Well⚙ Volume 21 - What to do when you inherit terrible systems!

Published about 1 year ago • 3 min read

Hello Reader, ✨Welcome! I am so glad you're here!✨

Before we get into the operations nerd-fest let's get started with these highlights:

  1. Jericho by Iniko - This singer is blowing up all over Tik Tok and no surprise. They are SO DOPE and this song has been on REPEAT since I first heard it!
  2. Things Done Well Music and Things Done Well Podcasts - These are the playlists where I collect all the music and podcasts I share here or that I am just into! There is some goood sh!t in there! If you haven't already encourage you to check them out!
  3. How to find the right CRM and leverage it for success! Check out this LinkedIn Live I did earlier this week. Yet another example how my Stop Using Spreadsheets method can be used to build business systems to make you life easier. Free workbook linked in the comments.

Now let's talk about what to do when you have inherited a set of terrible business systems.

This has happened to me more than once. I would get hired at as an operations or office manager tasked with keeping the wheels on AND to improve the systems that are currently in place, which were more often than not overwhelmingly terrible...Which is hard enough when you have experience do something like that, let alone if you are new to this kind of work!

Never fear! With the right approach, you can clean up and improve these systems to make your organization more efficient and effective.

3 guesses what my plan is?!

To use my Stop Using Spreadsheets Method of course! (I'm telling you, it can be applied to ANY project you are facing that feels overwhelming! It has saved my bacon on big jobs where I felt out of my depth many times!)

Here is how the 5 steps of the SUS method can be applied in this example:

Discover: Before you can make any improvements, you need to know what you're dealing with. Take the time to thoroughly assess the current business systems in place. Identify any bottlenecks, redundancies, or inefficiencies. Document your findings to create a clear picture of what needs to be improved. (FYI my Systems Thinking 101 mini-course can help you to determine what areas of the business systems need the most immediate attention!)

Research: This research step has 2 key components.

  1. Find out what everyone else thinks about your plans! It's important to get buy-in from stakeholders, including team members, senior leadership, and other departments. Engage with these groups to gain an understanding of their concerns and perspectives.
  2. Determine what software tools you have access to that can help support your improvements! You likely have software in use that is not being fully leveraged that can help you towards your goals! And if you don't use your handy list from step 1 to go and find something that will! You can almost always find something free or affordable that can support your needs.

Design: Based on your assessment and stakeholder engagement, develop an action plan that outlines the steps needed to improve the business systems. This plan should include timelines, resource needs, expected outcomes.

Implement together: Work with all of the folks you engaged with in the research step to determine a timeline that works for those most affected by your changes. Once you have a plan and timeline in place, it's time to start implementing improvements. Start with small, achievable changes that can be rolled out quickly. This will help build momentum and support for larger changes that may take more time and resources.

Refine over time: As you implement improvements, it's important to monitor progress and make adjustments as needed. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your efforts are having the desired impact. Also, don't forget to celebrate successes along the way! Recognize the hard work and dedication of your team members, and acknowledge the positive impact that your improvements are having on the organization.

Improving an inherited mess can be a daunting task, but using a systematic approach like the Stop Using Spreadsheets method, you can make significant progress!

If you haven't already done so, I invite you to grab my Stop Using Spreadsheets checklist by clicking here and selecting "Stop Using Spreadsheets Resources." Along with the checklist you will receive 5 weeks of other resources.

Here's what you get when you download the checklist:

  1. Checklist - Stop Using Spreadsheets (of course!) which takes you through a 5 step process to replace all of your inefficient and inaccurate spreadsheets with software that best suits your needs!
  2. Workbook - Roots to Reports: A Beginners Guide To Impact Measurement. Built on the ideas of this article, this workbook will take you through a proven process to get clear on your impact and how to measure it!
  3. Masterclass- How To Make A Decision Making Matrix- In this masterclass I will teach you the method I use to stay on track when doing research for clients. Pre-built matrix template included!
  4. Masterclass - How to get the most out of Office365! - I recently helped AIDS Vancouver setup and fully leverage their Office365 environment and this video goes through all the best ways I have found to get the most out of an Office365 setup!
  5. Checklist - How To Find & Retain Your Office Superhero! I believe that the best operations people are nurtured from within rather than recruited. This checklist will help you to recognize your office hero(s) and how best to keep them happy!
  6. Workbook - How to run an effective operations planning session - Built on the ideas of this newsletter, this workbook will take you through a process for how to run an effective operations planning session.

Good luck and until next time, stay safe and look after each other!


Things Done Well

I'm a fan of excellence.

Digital strategy for social impact movers and shakers. Realistic advice to support the journey to digital maturity. Gifs, humour, and my current music, art, and activism recommendation included!

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